Conquest & Consequence is a strategy game for three players (adaptable for two) about the contest for supremacy in Asia between militarist, capitalist, and communist politico-economic systems during the period 1936-45. Conquest & Consequence uses the Triumph & Tragedy system.
Militarist Japan, the first Asian power to modernize, seeks to replace the European colonial empires in East Asia with a true "all-Asian" empire, with itself as the natural leader. The Communist Soviet faction comprises the Siberian USSR and the Red Chinese revolutionaries. The Capitalist USA faction consists of the United States, the British Empire, and the struggling regime of Nationalist China.
The game begins in 1936 with the Militarists in control of Japan and expansion on the agenda. Its [war] industry is well-developed, but it is weak in population and particularly resources. Its battle-hardened army has easily overrun resource-rich Manchuria, and a weak China awaits.
- One 22" x 34" mounted map
- 228 16 mm Wooden Blocks
- 2 Label Sheets (sticky labels)
- 2 Counter Sheets
- 55 Action Cards
- 55 Investment Cards
- 3 Player Aids (4-page folios)
- Pad of Game Record Sheets
- Rulebook
- Playbook
- 4 six-sided dice