Publisher/Brand: Taktyka i Strategia
Product Code: TSB35-FALLSCH
Game covers several air landing operations performed during World War II by the German airborne units (Fallschirmjager). Scale of the operations varies, from small actions (like attack on Corinth channel) to the major battles, like attack on Crete. Among these battles are two hypothetical ones — German attack on Malta (operation Hercule) and Italian attack on Maltha (Folgore). All the rest are historical battles, along with such less known battles like landings on Kos and Leros islands.
Game uses B-35 system, which is company/battalion scale system of the high complexity. It is the oldest Polish wargames system, developed since early 90's and still getting new games. Current edition of the B-35 is 4th.
There are 6 scenarios in the game: Hercules, Folgore, Corinth, Kos, Leros, Crete.
- 7 paper maps
- 2 sheet of counters
- 1 sheet of markers
- Rules Book
- Scenarios Book
- 2 six-sided dice