Great Northern War: Kalisz 1706
Publisher/Brand: Taktyka i Strategia
Product Code: TSH-K1706
On the afternoon of October 1706, in the fields adjacent to Kalisz, one of the oldest cities in Poland, a battle took place, which can be considered the turning point of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721. For the first time it was possible to break the losing streak and beat Swedish king — Charles XII. Polish and Lithuanian troops took part in the Battle of Kalisz, alongside the Saxon-Russian troops on the one hand and the Swedish troops on the other. In this time Poland was dealing with the most terrible war imaginable, a civil war that awakened the darkest demons in the combatants.
Kalisz 1706 allows to recreate couple of battles of this war — small scale skirmish at Tylewice 1704, medium battle — Poniec 1704 and two major battles — Wschowa (Fraustadt) 1706 and Kalisz 1706.
Game uses Husaria system rules, slightly modified for the more infantry based battles than usually in this system.
- 4 paper maps
- 2 sheet of counters
- Rules Book with Scenarios
- 2 six-sided dice