In 1769 Napoleone di Bunoparte was born to a minor noble family on the island of Corsica. In 1793 he was an artillery officer in the armies of Revolutionary France. In 1796 he was the commander of the French Army of Italy. Three years later, now Napoleon Bonaparte, he was First Consul and ruler of the French Republic. In 1804 he crowned himself Emperor of France and by 1810 he was effectively the ruler of most of Europe. But only five years later he was a deposed prisoner on his way to exile on the small island of St. Helena in. the South Atlantic where he would die in 1821 at the age of 51. Yet the legend of Napoleon. lives on.
I, Napoleon is a solitaire game in which you the player step into the boots of this remarkable figure as he makes his first appearance on history’s stage. Through 222 lavishly illustrated cards you will attempt to recreate, or even. better, Napoleon’s career. Can you win enough success as a Commander on. the fields of battle to seize political control of France as First Consul and then Emperor? Can you use diplomacy and war to make yourself master of Europe? Can you father a legitimate heir to found a dynasty? Above all, can you win enough Glory to cement your life in myth?
Obstacles and opportunities will appear with every draw of a card. You’ll need both skill and luck to face the demands of war and peace, of politics and family. The possibility of death, from bullet, bayonet, bomb or Gaguillotine will be your constant companion. Europe’s monarchs will wage savage campaigns to end your upstart career. Even success can lead you to over-reach and bring your rule crashing down in ruins. Only remember, if glory is but for a day, obscurity is forever. It is 1793. The Revolution. has turned the world upside down and in that chaos lies your chance to sign your own, I, Napoleon on. the pages of history...
- 22" x 34" mounted map board
- Half Counter Sheet
- 222 playing cards
- 10 divider cards
- 1 player aid card
- Rulebook
- Playbook
- 1 ten-sided die