Summer 1942: After a over year of preparation and study and agreement on the need to invade of Malta, the combined German and Italian staffs had put together an extensive and complex plan for invasion. Its success depended on many factors and lessons had been learned from the battle for Crete the year before had been put into effect. All was as ready as it could be, yet they did not invade. The British were stronger in numbers and weapons but their efficiency was down due to the long siege. Was it just Hitler’s nervousness about such an unusual Axis operation, or was it the allure of bigger victories elsewhere?
November 1943, Leros: The possibility of invading Malta had passed but the British had put themselves out on a small island in the Aegean, Leros. Incredibly, a large part of the British garrison consisted of the former Malta garrison, now well rested. In effect, it was a miniature Malta. This time the Germans did not hesitate, they invaded by sea and air. This tough little infantry fight shows just what grit was involved and how the experience of fighting on Malta would have been. The British lost, but the battle was close. All the flavor of the Malta battle is here but at only one-third of the size.
Invasion: Malta is a grand-tactical level game of possible WWII invasions of Malta and the historical invasion of Leros. The most likely scenario for Malta was the one planned for early August 1942. The game requires two players. One player controls the Axis forces, and his opponent controls the Allied forces. The players maneuver their units across the map and conduct airborne and amphibious invasions that result in combat, according to the rules of play. In each scenario, the Axis player wins by capturing and holding various objectives. These objectives count towards the victory conditions of that scenario. The Allied player wins the game by avoiding these conditions. You will find a few rules marked Optional. Players can add these by mutual agreement before play starts.
A complete game of Invasion: Malta include:- Three 22" x 25.5" maps
- Four counter sheets
- Four Axis Set Up cards
- Four Allied Set Up cards
- Six Player Aid cards
- One Extended Sequence of Play card
- Rules Book
- Scenario Book
- One ten-sided die