In 1944, the Japanese, being outnumbered and with hardly any supply, said "enough is enough" and attacked. Why not? It worked in 1942. But this time Japanese hubris met Slim, the best British General of WW2, in the west; Stilwell's well trained and hard fighting Chinese troops in the North; Wingate's Chindit brigades in the middle amongst them; Chinese Yunnan soldiers who, after Chiang finally let them loose, took heavy casualties when investing the Japanese in the east. This time, after many ferocious battles, the Japanese met their Nemesis and were, in the end, utterly defeated.
While Burma was the backwater of WW2, it contained several of the most colorful characters of the war: General Stilwell, Chiang Kai-Shek, Churchill, General Slim
Nemesis is a two-player game about the campaign in northern Burma between March and August 1944. One player plays the Japanese. The other player plays the Allies, which means the British (or rather British, Indian, Nepalese, and Africans) in the west and center, the Chinese in the east, and both the US and Chinese in the north.
A complete game of Nemesis include:- One 22" x 34" map
- 2 countersheets
- 3 Player Aid Charts
- Rule Book
- 1 six-sided dice