Preussisch Eylau 1807
Publisher/Brand: Taktyka i Strategia
Product Code: TSN-E1807
On February 7 and 8, 1807, one of the greatest battles of the Napoleonic era took place near Pruska Iława. Napoleon entered Prussia, thus starting a campaign against the Prussian and Russian armies. The battle was fought during numerous blizzards and very low temperatures. Initially, it was the Russians who gained the upper hand by decimating the French with artillery and musket fire. Napoleon threw more troops into the fight, but still without success. Only the appearance of the French VII Corps and the maneuver of bypassing the left flank of the Russians forced the latter to start a retreat. The greatest cavalry charge will also go down in history.
The game box also contains a few additional maps (and counters) for other smaller battles that took place at that time in that area: battle of Pułtusk 1806, Gołymin 1807, Bergfriede (Barkweda) 1807, and Waltersdorf (Włodowo) 1807.
- 5 paper maps
- 2 sheet of counters
- 1 sheet of markers
- Rules Book
- Scenario Book
- 2 six-sided dice