The Dogs of War
Publisher/Brand: Thin Red Line Games
Product Code: TRL004-3
At 0400 Zulu Time, July 24 1985, Warsaw Pact forces cross the Inner German Border and assault NATO positions in West Germany. The main thrust, formed by ten Soviet Category I Divisions, is in the BAOR sector and points directly to the Ruhr area.
Taking its roots from SPI’s Central Front and NATO: Division Commander, The Dogs of War is the second module of the C3 series, focused on Command, Control and Communication and pioneered by Less Than 60 Miles — one of the five nominees for the 2019 Charles Roberts Awards as Best Post-WW2, Cold War, & Hypothetical Era Board Wargame. All the elements of modern mechanized warfare are covered: Chemical and Nuclear Weapons, Attack Helicopters, Engineers, Electronic Warfare, Counter-battery Fire, Ribbon Bridges, Army Doctrines, Reconnaissance units, Close Air Support coordination and more.
Several typical wargame mechanics have been reinterpreted, and both sides will fight three equally dangerous foes: the enemy, their own plan and time. Even a simple action can quickly turn into a disaster when facing an opponent using more efficiently the real key to victory: the OODA Loop theorized by John Boyd in the early ‘80s and used today as the basis for several military doctrines.
- West German Auftragstaktik (Mission-Type Orders), giving Bundeswehr a flexibility hardly obtained by other armies.
- British Engineers, allowing extensive use of prepared defense positions.
- BAOR logistic deficiencies and ammunition shortage.
- Soviet Sappers, first-line assault units used to crack the toughest nuts.
- Soviet Assault From March doctrine.
- Warsaw Pact vulnerable supply network.
Moreover, this is the second module of the C3 Series, covering the whole NATO — Warsaw Pact conflict in Central Europe. Yes, the idea is to have the whole Central Front playable in a gigantic, unmanageable, mind-blowing campaign.
- 5 km per hex, 3 hours per game turn
- Regiment / Battalion sized ground units
- Detailed Order of Battle set in July, 1985
- Close Air Support and Attack Helicopters
- Command, Control & Communication related problems
- Electronic and Intelligence Warfare
- Combat Engineers Operations
- Artillery interdiction and Counter-Battery fire
- Chemical and Nuclear warfare
- Specific events for Warsaw Pact and NATO
- Random events to further increase battlefield chaos
- Two Campaign Games: 1. "The River Weser Deep and Wide", Warsaw Pact offensive in BAOR sector; 2. "One Minute to Midnight", unrestricted nuclear warfare after days of build-up
- Four smaller scenarios: 1. "Welcome to Braunschweig", West German 2 Panzer Brigade defense of the city against Soviet 35th Motorized Rifle Division; 2. "They Came Before Dawn", Soviet 76th Guards Airborne assault to key crossings on Weser and Leine rivers; 3. "Give Me the Night", British 1st Armoured Division fight to slow down Soviet 3rd Shock Army assault; 4. "Queen’s Gambit", British 3rd Armoured Division counter-attack at D+4
- Playable alone or in combination with Less Than 60 Miles. Are you man enough for 300 km of World War Three front line?
- Optional and unforgiving Campaign victory conditions, completely ignoring unmanly arguments about "unbalanced play". It’s all or nothing.
- 98 x 56 cm matte plasticized map, covering BAOR Area Of Responsibility and surrounding areas
- 7 matte plasticized counter sheets
- 45 Action and Event Cards
- 2 Charts & Tables booklets
- 5 Player Aid Charts
- Rules Booklet
- Scenarios & Designer’s Notes Booklet
- Field Manual
- Two 10-sided dice