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The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion

Publisher/Brand: Hexasim

Product Code: HEXA020US

Availability: Out Of Stock

  • ₴2,451

The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion
The Fate of Reiters: Five Battles of the French Wars of Religion


The Fate of Reiters is game of the series By Shot, Shock and Faith (in French: "Par le feu, le fer et la foi") allows the simulation of religious wars that occurred in France from 1562 to 1598. This civil war opposes, in a first conflict phase, protestants- otherwise known as Huguenots- to catholics, then royalists to League members after the accession of Henri IV to the throne in 1589.

The art of war during this period of the Renaissance is rapidly changing. The great feudal landlords, steeped in morals, fight alongside mercenaries motivated by sole cupidity. The diversity of the weapons that are used offers great tactical possibilities, based on impact and fire. Gendarmes, cuirassiers, reiters, harquebusiers, lansquenets and Swiss mercenaries confront each other in a merciless fight.

The Fate of Reiters is a grand tactical game, which allows the simulation of five battles of that era: Cognat (January 6th, 1568), Dormans (October 10th, 1575), Auneau (November 24th, 1587), Vimory (October 26th, 1587), Metrieux (aka Vire-Culs) (December 10th, 1587).

A complete game of The Fate of Reiters include:
  • Two A2 two-side maps (597 x 420 mm)
  • One A3 one-side map (420 x 297 mm)
  • Two counters sheets
  • Five Scenarios sheets
  • One Play aids
  • Rules booklet
  • Two dice


By Shot, Shock and Faith/Par le feu, le fer et la foi, Volume 2
Philippe Hardy
Sébastien Brunel
Game Language
# Players
31.5cm x 23.0cm x 4.25cm
0.715 kg

Boardgamegeek rating:7.3

From that Series / Supplements

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