Strategy & Tactics Magazine #326
Publisher/Brand: Decision Games
Product Code: DCG-ST326
Readers of the Strategy & Tactics magazine get much more than historic narrative with analytical approach focusing on the "how" and "why" of battles and campaigns. All feature articles are lavishly illustrated with maps and historic images, along with sidebars on personalities, equipment, organization, and unique events.
Game included in this issue — Mukden 1905: Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905. Mukden 1905 is a two-player simulation (easily adapted for solitaire play) of the climactic struggle of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Both players have the opportunity to attack and defend, but the main burden of the offensive is on the Japanese player. Scale: Each hex represents three miles (4.9 kilometers). The units of maneuver are regiments, brigades, divisions and one (cavalry) corps. Each full turn represents two days of real time.
A game of Mukden 1905 include:- Map — One 22" x 34" map
- Counters — 228 counters
- Rules length — 16 pages