Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330

Publisher/Brand: Decision Games

Product Code: DCG-ST330

Availability: Out Of Stock

  • ₴2,150

Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330


Readers of the Strategy & Tactics magazine get much more than historic narrative with analytical approach focusing on the "how" and "why" of battles and campaigns. All feature articles are lavishly illustrated with maps and historic images, along with sidebars on personalities, equipment, organization, and unique events.

Game included in this issue — Mediterranean Empires: The Struggle for the Middle Sea, 1281-1350 AD is a low to intermediate complexity, two-player, strategic-level wargame simulating the fight for the Western and Central Mediterranean during the turn of the 13th-14th centuries. Players control either the French/Anjou forces and their allies, or Aragon and their allies. The map shows the Western and Central Mediterranean as it was during the 13th-14th centuries and is divided into its geopolitical regions or areas with units moving across the map from area to area. There are seven game turns. Each game turn (GT) represents a decade. Units represent from 500 to 2000 men.

A game of Mediterranean Empires include:
  • Map — One 22" x 34" map
  • Counters — 176 counters
  • Rules length — 16 pages

See content of Strategy & Tactics Magazine #330.


Game Edition #330, SEP-OCT 2021
Game Design
Javier Romero
Game Artist
Dariusz Buraczewski, Joe Youst
29cm x 22.5cm x 1cm
0.440 kg

From that Series / Supplements

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