Vae Victis is a French language game magazine published bimonthly. Vae Victis offers articles on military history (analysis of strategy and tactics throughout the ages, presentation of the units used in military campaigns) and all about what is going on in the war-games world together with critical analysis and new release box opening. The Special Game Issue includes wargame comes with a map, die cut counters and rules booklet (English translation of the rules available on the Vae Victis site).
This Special Game Issue including the game: Nachod and Skalitz 1866.
End of June 1866. After several months of mounting tensions, war has broken out between Austria and Prussia for preeminent control in Germany. Prussia plans for its troops to cross the Carpathians and penetrate Bohemia by 4 different passages with the objective of confronting the principal Austrian Army in a decisive Napoleonic battle. The outlet of one of these passages was here, near the towns of Nachod and Skalitz. The Prussian V Corps was in position to take control of it and allow the VI Corps to follow it before converging with the other Prussian corps on the centre of the Austrian presence. As a new unit of the series Battles in the era of Napoleon III, Nachod-Skalitz is the first game of a series that will cover the principal clashes of the campaign in Bohemia of 1866, concluding with the battle of Sadowa. Players will have the option of playing the battles one after another in a campaign mode, resulting perhaps in a very different situation by the time they arrive at the decisive battle of 3 July 1866.